
Laura Vasquez avatar image
Laura Vasquez asked Matt Long commented

how to set string data inside of an edit box in the dashboard?

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Kari Payton avatar image Kari Payton commented ·

Do you mean how to link it to a variable or text from a global table or another part of the model? @Laura Vasquez

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Laura Vasquez avatar image Laura Vasquez Kari Payton commented ·

I want to display num data inside the edit box or dynamic box from a calculation inside of one buttom

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Kari Payton avatar image Kari Payton Laura Vasquez commented ·

@Laura Vasquez I'm still not sure how to help. If you can, attach your model. There was also a past post here with an example model that may answer your question.

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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
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Matt Long answered Matt Long commented

Dashboard model input widgets can be linked to nodes in the model. If an edit field or dynamic text field is tied to a node that has number data, the number will be displayed. If the node has string data, the string will be displayed. This can be done by creating the desired model input widget and then using the eye dropper to the right of the Link box to sample the desired node or table cell.

If you need the field to show some mathematical calculation, you'll need to either set the value of the calculation to a node in the tree or a table cell, or you can set it to an int or double global variable (the model input widgets can also be tied to global variables).

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asb.p avatar image asb.p commented ·

@Matt Long

Can we use dashboard widgets to change the value of variable in the model? for example value of global table?

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Matt Long avatar image Matt Long asb.p commented ·

Yes. If you use an Edit or a Table and tie those to a cell in a global table (or an entire global table for the Table), then changing it in the dashboard will change it in the global table. This works for any nodes in the tree and for global variables as well.

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