
Marco Baccalaro avatar image
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Marco Baccalaro asked anthony.johnson answered

AStar module collisions

We have to analyze the traffic in warehouses where operators do picking trough a transpallet.

I'm trying to build a method and maybe a user library to do such models quickly.

The AStar module works greatly but it cannot handle collisions. So I'm about to write a collision trigger. Before doing it I ask you if you have suggestions or a better solution.

The travelling operator may pass the operator that's in loading state. And if both operators in collision are travelling one can stop and the other one can turn.

But doing so they can walk on barriers. The good thing is that they then go back travelling on the AStar grid.

My idea is to check if a point at the left of the operator isn't inside a barrier and so do a traveltoloc there, otherwise try with a point on the right. I have also to check if these points aren't in a collision sphere. I'm not so sure on what to do if all points are unavailable. I have to avoid deadlocks.

Thank you for any suggestion you can give me.

FlexSim 17.0.2
astarastar collisionscollisions
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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
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anthony.johnson answered


Collision avoidance has been something on our radar for integrating into AStar as a standard feature. Let's talk offline about the possibilities for this.

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