
Luc Van De Sande avatar image
Luc Van De Sande asked Steven Hamoen answered

I get an error about coordinated task sequence


I'm completely new to Flexsim, so this might be a very simple solution.

For school we received an assignment to rebuild a factory and optimise it. One of the tasks is to assign an operator to a processor to change the set up times and a second one is to repair the processor when it breaks down.

The factory produces different batches of products on pallets and every time a new batch passes, the processor has a setup time which has to be changed by the operator. I set the the setup time function to ''If itemtype changes (values are set)'', but the setup time doesn't get triggered. I suspect the processor only sees the pallet as an itemtype and not the product on top of it. I also ticked ''Use operator for set up time''.

The other problem i have is the repair time. I added a MTBF MTTF for every processor and for the down function i chose ''Execute stopobject and call operator'' and for the resume function i chose do nothing. Now when i run the simulation i get a pop up which says: ''Bad pointer'' OP20(the processor) was given a coordinated task sequence but is not a Dispatcher, and after that i get a pop up which says: A coordinated task sequence could not be dispatcher. After that the simulation stops.

Does anyone know how to fix these two issues?

I work in Flexsim version 6.0.2.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards

FlexSim (other - please specify)
FlexSim (other)
operator assignment dispatchcoordinatedtasksequenceoperator assignments
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered

@Luc Van De Sande You can just report to your teacher Andre Gijsberts. He will help you further.

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