
Axel Kohonen avatar image
Axel Kohonen asked Phil BoBo commented

Bug: strquote does not seem to work


I noticed that the strquote function does not seem to work anymore. It returns the string without Is there something that has changed in FlexSim 2017? It worked in FlexSim 2016 update 2. Have not tried FlexSim 17.0.2 so I am not sure if it works in that version.

For those that need a solution now you can use \" to put a "-character into a string.

Thank you!

Kind regards,


FlexSim 17.0.1
strquote.png (6.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matt Long edited

Honestly didn't even know there was a strquote() command. Since at least version 6, maybe earlier, you've been able to add quotes to a string by typing \" The command should be marked as deprecated.

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