
Asante Adwoa Asantewaa avatar image
Asante Adwoa Asantewaa asked Asante Adwoa Asantewaa commented

Picking requirements of an operator and assingment of weight to flowitems

Please we need assistance on how we can make an operator to pick a particular quantity of flowitems from a queue to a processor and a defined quantity of flowitems to be processed by the processor at a given time.After that we would want the mergesort to send flowitems to different conveyors according to the weight of the flowitems.Please the details are below:

Source1 is suppose to produce 15000 flowitems per simulation

At each pick of operator14,it is suppose to pick 10 flowitems from Queue2 to Processor10 until it gets to 600.Operator14 will have to wait for Processor10 to finish processing before it start picking again.

Processor10 is suppose to process 600 flowitems at a time

The mergesort is to send flowitems to the 6 conveyors according to 6 different weight of flowitems

Sink11 is to accomodate 1,500 flowitems which did not fall within the various weight.

We are waiting for your valuable suggestions.Thank you.


FlexSim (other - please specify)
FlexSim (other)
mergesort sending requirement flowitemoperator picking requirement
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Asante Adwoa Asantewaa commented

Welcome to the FlexSim community, we're happy to have you. We are always happy to help with any specific questions or issues that may arise as you are modeling. Your question seems like it incorporates the building of a full complete model simulation. This site is not generally used for building complete models for clients, but rather helping them on specific questions.

If you do require the services of someone to build a model for you, FlexSim does offer consultation services for just that very service. You can contact your local distributor to get a quote on any consultation service you require.

Based on your profile it looks like you are a student. If so, first of all, welcome to FlexSim and simulation. I hope you find a lot of success going forward. As a student, I think you will find that on larger scale questions like this, it would probably be best to ask your Professor first, and I'm sure that he or she can give you good advice on how to get started with any problem you are trying to solve.

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Asante Adwoa Asantewaa avatar image Asante Adwoa Asantewaa commented ·

Thank you @ Sam Stubbs.

We have been able to build the model but still encountering some difficulties.We would like processor2 to wait until operator24 fills it with 600 flowitems before it start processing making it process 600 flowitems at a time.We also want the particular color of flowitem being accumulated by sink25 to be 1,500 in total.Thank you.

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