
Cameron Seams avatar image
Cameron Seams asked Steven Hamoen answered

How to call the simulation time as a variable to insert into an equation?

I am in need of a function to call the simulation time and use this value in an equation. For example, if I run my model for 3 days, how do I call the simulation duration (3 days) instead of hard coding the number 3 into my equation? The goal is to the make the equation dynamic. Help is much appreciated.

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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered
@Cameron Seams

you can simply use the function time(). It returns the current simulation time in seconds

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Michael Kramer avatar image
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Michael Kramer answered

@Cameron Seams, you can set the simulation time using the function stoptime(100) for example, to stop at 100 time units.

To set the integer "StopTime," pass -1 into the function, i.e. int StopTime = stoptime(-1);

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