
Tod Snyder avatar image
Tod Snyder asked Jeff Nordgren commented

How to model a circular track with fixed number of pallets.

I want to model a system with a circular track. There are a fixed number of pallets on the track which stop at various processors as they go around. At one processor station completed parts are unloaded from a pallet and a new part is loaded onto the empty pallet. I also want to sometimes send a part around the track for a second time before unloading. I just started working with FlexSim and would appreciate some guidance on where to begin.

FlexSim 17.0.0
carouselcircular track
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
1 Like"
Jeff Nordgren answered
@Tod Snyder

Attached is a model of a carousel that would be similar to what you are wanting. Maybe that would be a sample and a starting place for you? Take a look at the model and see if this would be of any help to you.


carousel.gif (7.9 MiB)
5 |100000

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