
David Seo avatar image
David Seo asked David Seo commented

About assert() command like Object.labels.assert("aName").value = aValue;

I want to make a Label and set the value in the object using script.

I remembered the assert() command to make it, but it did not make the label and set.

What command can I do it as?

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FlexSim 17.0.4
assert commandhow to make the label using script
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered David Seo commented

That should be working. Are you getting any errors?

The assert method also takes a second parameter where you can specify the default value for the asserted node. So if the node doesn't exist it will add it and set the value to the specified default value.

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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·

Any errors do not happen.

I found when click reset the created label also disappear.

I have known the created label using script exists after once after creation.

I checked it to disappear when resetting.

Thank you.

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