
Xu Chunqi avatar image
Xu Chunqi asked Ben Wilson converted comment to answer

Error about convert command: _mkgmtime64 failure

When I use the "convert" command, "exception: Invalid convert command: _mkgmtime64 failure" displayed on the system console ,I tried many times to find where the error happened ,but it didn't work. Plesase help me with my problem,thank u very much.

FlexSim 17.0.1
error about convert command
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Mischa Spelt avatar image Mischa Spelt commented ·

Unfortunately the image is broken, can you fix that or copy/paste the convert command you are trying to execute please?

Other information that may be relevant: are you using a 32-bit or 64-bit version of FlexSim 17.0.1? Which date are you trying to convert, are you maybe expecting the result to end up after 1 Jan 2038?

Possibly this was a bug that has already been fixed, have you tried upgrading to 17.0.5?

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

@xu chunqi, even though this interface lets you paste in images, they will not actually be saved to the post. Make sure instead that you use the Insert Image button:

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Xu Chunqi avatar image Xu Chunqi Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

I will take care of it next time.Thank u .

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1 Answer

Xu Chunqi avatar image
Xu Chunqi answered

Thanks for your attention, I found where the error happen. I wrote a nonexistent parameter in the "convert" command.

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