
gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald asked gilbert jerald commented

How to update the combine based on the output quantity of each item type?


The overall logic which I need is combiner should combine the item based on the values which have been written in global table 1 by queue1.

My model consists of 5 type of item type which has to be processed by the combiner. here each item type is of different quantity.The quantity of each item type will be written to the global table based on the code written in queue1 ON EXIT, and I have written some logic in combiner for updating the combiner.

The problem which I am facing is, the combiner is not combining the item based on the global table value please help me to solve his issue.

Note:(The quantity of each item type should be written to global when only when the respective item type quantity exit from queue1. For example item type 1 consist of 5 quantity, this value 5 ( quantity) should be written to the global table when all of the 5 exit from queue1 same continues for all item type and then the combiner should combine based on the global table values )

I have attached my model for your reference. with the given, NOTE, if there are any alternate solutions, are also welcome.


Thanks in advance for your valuable answer.

FlexSim 17.1.2
combiner update
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered gilbert jerald commented

When updating combiners dynamically in a model like this, I generally find it simpler to just use a Process Flow to handle the logic at the end of the day. I've updated your model with an example Process Flow. Essentially it just uses a list to handle the quantity and control of the item flow. When Items arrive on Queue 2 they are pushed to a list. Then I have a Process Flow that pulls from list a quantity designated by your GlobalTable1. Then the Process Flow just creates and combines on the Pallet in a Processor, instead of worrying about a combiner.

Here is the example:


gjeraldexample.fsm (26.6 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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gilbert jerald avatar image gilbert jerald commented ·

@ Sam Stubbs

Thank you for your valuable answer

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