Could you please help us how to model the following scenario?
- How to model the following scenario? The staff is assigned a schedule for example between 7am-5:30pm. Patients arrive at a certain frequency throughout the day and they have been scheduled. Due to variability in the process times of activities not all patients can be serviced before the staff leaves for the day at 5:30pm. The staff does an overtime to ensure all patients in the pipeline are serviced. How to model this effectively in Flexsim HC? And avoiding post processing of raw data and also capturing the overtime spent by staff.By putting in the schedule for staff, the patients are in the pipeline until next day to be serviced.
- The simulation clock time continues 24hrs between the start and end time. Is there a way to configure it to simulate the clock time between the hours of operation? That way we don’t have to perform some post processing to measure utilization of resources. How is the best way to model this? It should work in tandem with requirement 1 above i.e. service the existing patients in the pipeline irrespective of staff schedule hours
- How can we test the effect of Schedule A Vs Schedule B for a staff? Note: Schedule A has multiple schedules & so does schedule B. Can we do this as an experiment?
- How to accommodate lunch breaks in staff schedule when its 30 mins anytime between 11am-3pm and ensuring no two staff take a break at the same time unless no patients in the queue.