
Abey1 avatar image
Abey1 asked Matthew Gillespie answered

Maximum Occupancy Based On Simulation Time

Hi all,
I want the maximum occupancy to change based on simulation time, I wanted to have a global table where it reads the different occupancy values at different times but seems the maximum occupancy field takes only numerical values!
I appreciate any help.maxoccupancy.jpg

FlexSim HC 5.1.0
max occupancy
maxoccupancy.jpg (281.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

You can put individual objects on a shift schedule and make them go off schedule at certain times. You could also use the Based on Simulation Time pickoption to only send patients to certain areas during a specified time interval. You could also try using a user event to set the maximum occupancy variable on the object.

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