
Mischa Spelt avatar image
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Mischa Spelt asked Phil BoBo commented

Weird output in console

After upgrading a model from 16.2 to 17.1, I suddenly get the following output in the Output Console:

uvr xms true xms true sftw undefined dvxm 0

I am pretty sure I am not generating this in one of my modules or in the model itself. Any idea where this is coming from and how to suppress it?


FlexSim 17.1.2
output consolept
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Ralf Gruber avatar image Ralf Gruber ♦ commented ·


a German client has the same error message. Does your model include a Gantt Chart?



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1 Answer

Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt answered Phil BoBo commented

@Ralf Gruber thanks for putting me on the right track.

It seems that a debug statement was left behind in the charts. If you open program\flexsimweb\xyplot.js you will find the culprit at line 162, in the updateViewRange function (hence: uvr):

print("uvr xms " + range.xMinSnap + " xms " + range.xMaxSnap + " sftw " + range.scrollingFixedTimeWindow + " dvxm " + range.drawViewXMin)

(and yes, there is no semicolon).

I mailed it in to dev but for now you can easily fix it yourself.

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Ralf Gruber avatar image Ralf Gruber ♦ commented ·

@phil.bobo is this already solved for the next release?



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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ Ralf Gruber ♦ commented ·


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