
Abey1 avatar image
Abey1 asked Matthew Gillespie answered

Processing Utilization and Area Census

I am collecting the Processing Utilization for different areas, and the Area Census. It seems to me unreasonable to have 99% utilization of the CancerArea for example, where the census is only 1/2 of its maximum occupancy! If someone can please explain this to me, I'd be thankful.
Attached is the model

FlexSim HC 5.1.0
area censusprocessing utilization
qtest.fsm (356.0 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
1 Like"
Matthew Gillespie answered

You are using a single bed as an "area" with a maximum capacity of 30. While we give you the option to change the occupancy of a single bed, this is mostly meant to be a quick way to add/remove beds in an area to test out the effects. The object's stats aren't really designed to be used with max occupancy greater than 1. This is the case here. Basically the utilization is calculated by dividing the time in a utilized state by the total time:

As you can see your single Cancer bed is in an Occupied state 97.65% of the time, which isn't surprising since with a capacity of 30 there's almost someone in there.

You should make a separate bed for each real bed in the Cancer Area and the stats will be correct.

states.png (4.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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