
Li ze avatar image
Li ze asked Joerg Vogel answered

How do I get the exact time when the processor starts to process?

I didn't find a trigger for "Processstart". For example, a processor calls a operator for process, but the processing does not begin until the operator travel to the processor.

Although I can use the processfinish time minus the process time get the processing start time, I want to know is there a more direct way to get this data?

FlexSim 17.1.2
process start
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

In ProcessFlow you can wait for the event state processing which the processor will change to when the operator arrives. The previous state is waiting for operator. Your approach works fine in an undisturbed process. If you add breakdowns, timetable events or give the operator anything else to do, then your method evaluates a different time stamp then the model gets into.

If you are looking for a 3D approach you can call for an operator for setup, too. This operator has to stay for processing. Then you can use the OnSetupFinish trigger to record the time the processing starts.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered
@Li ze

If you are using an operator for the process, then the way you are doing it is probably the best way. Because you don't know how far the operator has to travel and how much time it will take for them to arrive at the processor, until they actually get there.

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