
Tiffany Pecson avatar image
Tiffany Pecson asked Cliff King answered

Need multiple PCIs to have companion through entire process

I'm modeling a children's hospital and have already completely built the model with just the patient going through the tracks. I saw that to add a companion, it looks like I have to add a On Messsage Dispatch Companions and a Send Message to every process (bed, treatment room, observation room) it connects to? Is that correct? Would there be a code to quickly do all that.

Also, I have 5 different acuities/PCIs and I saw that you have to create a companion for each PCI, which means I would need 5 different companions correct? Most of the examples I saw needed only one companion for one PCI. Also, the On Exit Trigger for Send Message examples only show the condition being one PCI. Is it possible to have multiple PCI?

I'd like the patient to be with the companion through all processes/queuing.

queryqueue strategycompanionspatient companions
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Tiffany Pecson avatar image
Tiffany Pecson answered

I did not realize that you could use multiple Send Messages for each object. Therefore, I just used 5 different Send Messages for each PCI and had to update every single object I had where the companion would go to connect to the path. A little tedious, but a lesson learned is to decide first if you're going to have companions before starting. Luckily, I could just change one and then copy + paste the objects and it would keep the same triggers. That helped a lot.

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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered

The menu option View > Edit Selected Objects has a panel titled "Copy From Highlighted" that can also help in situations like this where you want to copy one or more variables from one object (i.e. the highlighted object with a yellow bounding box) to multiple objects (i.e. the lasso selected objects with a red bounding box).

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