
Blandine de Romémont avatar image
Blandine de Romémont asked Sam Stubbs answered

How to empty the line at the end of a batch ?

blank-line-example.fsmDear all,

In this exemple, when their is a lack of components / products, as the end of a Batch, I would ligke to empty the line and move all the articles to a special place.

Could you help me with that ?



FlexSim 17.1.0
batch endempty line
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

One thing you could look into for your combiners is trying to utilize Process Flow instead of the default Combiner logic. Combiners are a bit more difficult to customize themselves, with something more specific to what you're looking for, it might be better to try and create a Process Flow and use Lists that mimics the combiner's logic.

There are a few answers on the forum here that help you figure out how to implement this. See these links:

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