
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Sam Stubbs commented

label destination

I have a label that updates the destination when its only from one queue. My question is : How do I update the destination when its coming from two queues?

Im getting the error below:

time: 11.847893 exception: FlexScript exception: invalid index at MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/Update Destinaton~7>labels/1/2

time: 12.752505 exception: FlexScript exception: invalid index at MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/Update Destinaton~7>labels/1/2


FlexSim 17.1.4
label destination
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Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ commented ·

Is there a center port connection to your resource? If you include the model we can take a look at it.

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Ale avatar image Ale Sam Stubbs ♦ commented ·


Yes, there is. Take at look at the process flow that says testing please. I don't know if I need to create another label just to pick from different queues or I could use the existing one(label destination).

I have two operators each one with a designated queue.Thanks!

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Ale avatar image Ale Ale commented ·

@Sam Stubbs

Sam, sorry to be pushy but I need an update on this. I have a deadline to present the model today at noon.


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Ale avatar image Ale commented ·

3.jpg1.jpg@Sam Stubbs yes that's the same model. you are seeing no errors because I changed the value to a conditional one to see if it works but is not when you see the 3d objects in the simulation for testing they are not moving. Per the Token Information when the token gets stuck in testing its not grabbing the right source its grabbing the queue1.jpg

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs commented

I do notice however that you're model seems to get stuck on testing. Your Test Operator group is actually pointing to a pair of queues, not operators. So when it gets to the Transport to Prep subflow in testing, it gets stuck on the Load Batch Bin activity, because "resource" is a queue, not an operator. Does that make sense? You need to make sure your Load tasks are being performed by operators. So you'll need to change your Test Operator resource to point to a group of operators instead of the TestQueue group, or use a different resource/group instead.

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Ale avatar image Ale commented ·

@Sam Stubbs Thanks! that was the issue :)

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Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ Ale commented ·

Awesome! So is everything else working now too?

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Ale avatar image Ale commented ·

@Sam Stubbs Yes! Thank you.

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Ale avatar image Ale commented ·

@Sam Stubbs I'm noticing another issue that the operators are not staying on their own work station they are getting to each others table how can I fix this?1.jpg

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Jacob Gillespie avatar image Jacob Gillespie ♦ Ale commented ·

@alejandra.n2 To prevent people from walking through stations, they need to be added as members of the AStarNavigator. That whole line of stations are not members. You can tell an object is a members of the AStarNavigator by the blue square that is drawn beneath the object.

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Ale avatar image Ale Jacob Gillespie ♦ commented ·

cell-2.fsm@Jacob Gillespie sorry for not explaining properly. The situation that I have is that I have two operators with their designated queue, but when their queue is empty they go and take product from each others queue. How can I fix this? do I need to add another conditional value for this?1.jpg2.jpg

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