
Jim Montgomery avatar image
Jim Montgomery asked Jim Montgomery commented

How do I close a location while applying alternate shifts in a scenario?

I am attempting to add a scenario in which a new radiologist is added for certain time intervals to help with the workload of reading images.The new radiologist operates out of a separate location.In the Scenarios menu of the Simulation Experiment Control, I have added the two variables: “Num of Hot Seats” (locations where the radiologist will read the study) and “Shift Schedules” (schedule the new radiologist would work) (see Fig 1)

Fig 1:

Running the model this way gives me the following error message for both Scenarios:

time: 10080.000001 exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction257__project_library_TimeTable_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /Tools/TimeTables/Closed class: /Tools/TimeTables/Closed

I initially attempted to close the location using only Variable 2, but found during the Base case scenario, the location 2nd opened up when its shift schedule opened….Intuitively, Variable 2 should have kept it closed.

Please explain how to close the location in a scenaio in which shift schedules are also required.





FlexSim HC 5.1.0
scenario alternate shiftscenario closing locationscenario locationscenario shifts
yyfrp.png (77.6 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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Jim Montgomery avatar image Jim Montgomery commented ·


I forgot to attach the model. Here is it....

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hot-seat-queue-8b.fsm (909.3 KiB)
Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Jim Montgomery commented ·

You can also add a new comment to your question to bump it back to the top of the list if you think it has been overlooked

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Jim Montgomery commented

The error is caused by your Closed Shift Schedule which has every time slot set to Off. The Time Table doesn't seem to like this, you need to have at least one period of time when the object is available.

That said, and as you pointed out, it shouldn't be necessary to add a separate shift schedule for a location that is not available for the whole simulation run. You claim the shift schedule makes the unavailable location open back up, but I don't see that happening.

Here is a simple sample model that shows it working. Both beds are on a shift schedule that keeps alternating the beds between off schedule and available. Scenario 1 sets the number of beds to 1, but scenario 2 puts it back to 2. You can see that in Scenario 2 both beds are used, but in scenario 1 the second bed never opens and no patients ever use it.

closelocation.fsm (88.1 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

Jim Montgomery avatar image Jim Montgomery commented ·

Thanks, By eliminating variable 3, (alternate shifts) the model runs OK when testing only 1 new resource. When testing alternate shifts for the new resource, it may get a little harry.

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