
Katie M avatar image
Katie M asked Lou Keller commented

How do I get my doctor to go to an area/object before seeing each patient?

I want to maximize my doctor's utilization but at the same time he needs to go to his computer before seeing every patient. How do I get him to do this? I assume it is a global process. Currently he moves from bed to bed so long as there is a patient in the bed. If there are no patients available for him to see, he returns to his home base. Thanks!

healthcareglobal processesstaff utilization
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Sean A avatar image
Sean A answered Sean A edited


Take a peak at this model.

May not be the best way to do it, but it works.

For the "Activity Finished Trigger" you put the next activity as the Global Process. It looked like initially it was specific to a patient but it seems like the program doesn't mind. For the "GoToComputer" process I put the priority up to 200 to make sure it comes next instead of the doctor seeing the next patient.

l9zqr.png (29.4 KiB)
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Lou Keller avatar image
Lou Keller answered Lou Keller commented

Hi Katie, Take a look at the model I've attached to this response. I've included the "How-to" write up that usually accompanies the model so you get the entire story of what it takes to get RNs to do rounds in an outpatient clinic before a patient is seen by the MD. In this model, every time an RN goes to the patient's bed to take vitals, they go to the nearest computer to record the results, and then return to the Nurses station. Then, after a period of time, the MD sees the patient and then the patient departs the clinic. Once you've looked at the model and write-up, let me know if you have any questions! My best, Lou

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