
Chris Ligetti avatar image
Chris Ligetti asked Jacob Gillespie commented

How to set label based on string

I have a string assigned that needs to map to a label name. For simplicity:

string label = "numShifts";

I then want to set the label called "numShifts" on an object ("Processor1" in my example). I tried using the below command, but am getting a compiler error. Anyone know how I could do this.

model().find("Processor1").labels[label] = 2;

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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered Jacob Gillespie commented

You need to use assert() to make sure the label exists. Also the label array gives you access to the label node so you have to use value.

string label = "numShifts";
model().find("Processor1").labels.assert(label).value = 2;
· 2
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Chris Ligetti avatar image Chris Ligetti commented ·

@Jacob Gillespie, that appeared to work well. Thank you so much. Should I be concerned with the following exception I seem to get when I run that script?

exception: FlexScript exception: /0 c: /testlink_instance i: /testlink_associated

Here is the full script that is loading, where I am opening a csv file, using the string tokenizer to set some string variables, and using those variables to set the labels on model objects.

fileopen("C:/Users/cxl300/Desktop/StationAttributes.csv","r"); // open the csv file

filereadline(); // read and disregard the header line

	string line = filereadline(); // read the line
	string station = stringtoken(line,","); // grab the station
	string attribute = stringtoken(NULL,","); // grab the attribute name
	string value = stringtoken(NULL,","); // grab the attribute value
	model().find(station).labels.assert(attribute).value = value.toNum();

fileclose; // close the file

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Jacob Gillespie avatar image Jacob Gillespie ♦ Chris Ligetti commented ·

@Chris Ligetti It means that find() is not finding anything.

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