
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Ben Wilson converted comment to answer


I can't figure out what kind of error is the message below and how can I fix this?


FlexSim 17.2.2
console error
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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

@Ale, it looks like you are trying to access the value property of some object, but your reference to that object is wrong.

Could you please copy a whole line of text to show the entire error message, rather than just a screenshot?

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Ale avatar image Ale Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

@Ben Wilson below is an entire line.

time: 2.790959 exception: FlexScript exception: Property "value" accessed on invalid node. at MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/Process time~2>variables/var1

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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered

@Ale It says the error is in the code of a Process Flow activity named Process time. Like Ben said you are calling value on an invalid node.

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