
Bichu K2 avatar image
Bichu K2 asked Julivan S commented

How to access Current, Min, Max values of Tracked Variables from Subnode List


I am trying to write some custom code to find, Which itemtype partiton in the Global Item list has higher content. I was planning to iterate through subnodes and accessing various values from "content" of various node.

I don't know which datatype this content is and how to access the value without hard-coding.

Also which is the best way to access many nested subnodes. Currently I feel whatever code I write is too verbose.

FlexSim 17.2.2
flexscripttracked variablestree node
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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
Raja Sekaran answered Julivan S commented

Hi @Bichu K2 ,

This post may help you from another question Link


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