
Bach avatar image
Bach asked Bach commented

Simulating Electric monorail / Elektrohängebahn aufbauen


I want to simulate an electric monorail system in FlexSim but unfortunately there are not the required tools in the standard-library to build the system.

Is there any other way to build the system up? For example could I turn around the standard-conveyors by 180° degrees and then let the flowitems "hang down" from the conveyor? Anyone who has done it before?


Markus Bach

Guten Tag,

ich möchte eine Elektrohängebahn in FlexSim abbilden und simulieren. Leider gibt es dazu nicht die passenden Bausteine (Bahn, Förderer, ...). Gibt es dennoch die Möglichkeit mit den vorhandenen Bausteine zu arbeiten? Hat jemand schon Erfahrung damit? Kann ich ggf. normale Conveyors um 180 Grad drehen und die Flowitems am gedrehten Conveyor "hängen" lassen?

Freundliche Grüße

Markus Bach

FlexSim 17.1.6
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Bach commented

The AGV Module is a good start. Or you build a classic network. Perhaps you don't see the rail, but that is only a shape. You can exchange the shape of the taskexecuter and set a different location of the shape in relation to the object and the result is a monorail vehicle. If you use a conveyor just turn of the legs and place the item below the conveyor.


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Bach avatar image Bach commented ·

Thank you a lot for your fast and helpful reply! This solution is what I was looking for. Its a very good start!

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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Bach commented

@Gologur Tree

I would start with the conveyor and use the power and free option. That is exactly how a EHB functions. If you put some pallets on the conveyor and change them into hooks and put the product on the pallet and make the conveyor very small you are there. I actually found an older demomodel.powerfree.fsm

powerfree.fsm (36.8 KiB)
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Bach avatar image Bach commented ·

Wow, that looks amazing! Thank you a lot - its kind of exactly what I was trying to build up. Perfect foundation!

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Bach avatar image Bach commented ·

Thanks one more time. I wondered if Flexsim can also put 2 items at one hook and then transporting both to the sink (releasing both items at the decision point).

I tried batching the items in the queue but it doesn't work. Do you have an answer or a solution?

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Steven Hamoen avatar image Steven Hamoen Bach commented ·

@M Bach Yes FlexSim can definitely do that but I would suggest you post your model so we can take a look and see what is not working. Batching with a queue is a possibility but it stays 2 objects. If you use a combiner you can put 1 in the other or merge them to 1 object. Both solutions make it easier

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Bach avatar image Bach Steven Hamoen commented ·

Thanks, the solution with the combiners worked out really good. The hooks always take two items (joined togehter as one through the combiner).

Now I have a different problem: I wanted to build up two loading-stations connected in series on one straight conveyor so that two hooks can be loaded parraley (each hook with two items). Afterwards the two hooks leave the station simultaniously and two new hooks come into the station (each hook then can be loaded with two items).

The problem is, that it loads each hook with in total 4 items when it passes through the station. How can I manipulate the station in a possible way?



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powerfree.fsm (78.4 KiB)
problem.png (488.7 KiB)
Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Bach commented ·

The item class is responsible to place additional items easily. If the hook is build from a pallet or tote you can stack the added items by an option at the hook.

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