bn-micro-brewery-oversimplified.fsmThis is my first model and could use some advice. I'm trying to simulate a simple micro-brewery and am just learning how to use tokens to control the process flow. My over-simplified logic just waits for each tank to fill, adds a fixed delay, and then opens the port to the next tank. But really I'd like the tokens to represent beer batches and the mash tun should only work on 1 at a time, the kettle can hold 2 mash tun batches at once, and the fermentor should start when those are passed on. Each tank needs to be emptied (and washed) between each token/batch. And ideally, I'd like to have different beers (tokens) with different fermentation times (lagers take longer than ales) - not sure if that is a good use of a label? Would love some advice on how to make this a better model!