
ShabDz avatar image
ShabDz asked Cliff King answered

Send flowitems from a Conveyor to multiple fixed resource using decision point

I want to send different types of products from a conveyor to multiple fixed resource (e.g., queue) using decision point. I don't know what's the problem with my model: conveyors.fsm. Please advise.

FlexSim 17.0.12
conveyordecision pointconnecting conveyor to fixed resources
conveyors.fsm (18.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
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Cliff King answered

One of your exit transfers (ExitTransfer1) is in a dead spot. If you will drag that transfer point to a new location like in the following screen shot, the model will start using both exit transfer points. I've notified the developers to look into why there is a dead spot, but for now, just move it to a different location.

I also want to point out another problem I saw with your model. In the Creation Trigger of the Source, you have two options. The first option sets the item type and applies a color, the second option redefines the item type. Because the item type gets updated after the color, the item's color will not correlate to the item type.

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