
ShabDz avatar image
ShabDz asked Joerg Vogel answered

Send items to a conveyor by two operators

Using a Dispatcher, I want both operators to put items from the Queue on the Conveyor. But now only one of them doe that. Interestingly when I delete the Conveyor and directly connect the Queue to the Sink, both operators move the items. I guess the problem is related to EntryTransfer1 connected to the Conveyor (Please see the attached model). Any help to solve the issue is appreciated.two-operator-one-conveyor.fsm

FlexSim 17.0.13
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José Antonio MD avatar image
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José Antonio MD answered José Antonio MD commented

Hello ,

The problem is that you only have one EntryTransfer, , so only one item is necessary each time.

I attached a model with the solution. In the middle I used "Round Robin if Available" in the Dispatcher (select a different operator each time).

Next you have a solution where I put two tickets and now the operators work at the same time.

I hope I've been helpful.


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José Antonio MD avatar image José Antonio MD commented ·

Hello @Amir About,

You can use a normal connection, but with a little trick.

Depending on the relative position of the Queue and the Conveyor, the connections are created. So changing the relative position of both, new connections are created.

For example:

Connect the Source to the Input of the conveyor. You have a connection.

You move the Source to the end of the conveyor and connect the Source with the Output of the conveyor. You have a new connection.

I attached a video where it looks clearer.


Another solution can be create two Conveyors as an Input (See the question: Set position of flowitem when enter in conveyor).

I hope I've been helpful.

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connection-gif.gif (581.4 KiB)
ShabDz avatar image ShabDz commented ·

Thank you @José Antonio MD. How could you add another EntryTransfer? You just simply reconnect the queue to the conveyor? I just did that for different models. It works for some models, but doesn't work for others. Is there another way to add EntryTransfer to the conveyors? (I mean other than simply reconnecting with the mouse)

Thanks in advance

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tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered

In order to change which operator is executing the task, you can open the Dispatcher1 properties window and change the "Pass To" option to be "Round Robin".

This will alternate between available Operators. There are additional options as well, should you like to experiment with this. Hopefully this helps.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

It is a number parameter of the Entry Transfer. Set the number value of Max. Transports in Transit to the number of Operators do you want to use simultaneously.

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