
Mason W avatar image
Mason W asked tannerp commented

Zone Queue Strategy

Hi all,

I have a question regarding Zone Queue Strategy. In the attached model, I want "Pick List Zone" to order the tokens by the label "SKU". For the most part, this strategy works except for the first token to reach the zone. Since it gets to the zone first it automatically goes through even if its not the lowest SKU coming from the original subflow. Basically, I want to find a way to have the tokens "wait" for all the associated subflow ("Pick List (Orders)") tokens to arrive before the zone executes the zone queue strategy.

Hope this makes sense.

version 18.0.3



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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

I tried recreating this and adjusting your model for awhile and the best I've come up with is found in this model: mason-help-tokens.fsm. Note that you'll need to adjust it because it doesn't flow smoothly now, it only grabs the tokens in the correct order.

Perhaps the most important discovery I made was that you had something assigning an SKU to the token that didn't match the SKU assigned to the item previously. I edited the add labels function to simply grab the existing SKU token value here:

This allows the objects to enter the Zone starting with the lowest SKU value, which I believe is what you were hoping for. Prior to this, there were two different labels called SKU and I don't think it could reference the proper one.

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