
Wanju Y2 avatar image
Wanju Y2 asked Joshua S answered

process flow interrupted by models

Hello there.

I made a model below.


Transporter carry box from Queue to Queue2 and Queue1 to Queue3.

When box created on Queue1 , Transporter turned to Queue1 even in the Elevator.

How can I set the Process Flow (Queue to Queue2) pirority 1.

or Queue1 to Queue2 don't inturrupt Process Flow.


FlexSim 18.2.2
process flow pirority
processflow.png (209.4 KiB)
processflow.fsm (36.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered

See if this model solves your problem. I turned everything over to process flow to control the system. I added a new label in your list called "priority" then on entry to queue and queue1 I set the box priority. in your pull from list activity it sorts the boxes based on priority and sens a token to the task associated with the box location.14345-processflow.fsm

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