
yoni A avatar image
yoni A asked tannerp commented

processor pulling from a list pushed into a queue

How I pull items from a queue by a processor, items stored in a queue are pushed into a list. but how do I tell the processor to pull type 1 qty =30 , type 2 ; qty=85, etc

FlexSim 18.2.2
pulling item list
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

Hey @yoni A,

Any chance you could send your model or a sample model showing the problem?


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yoni A avatar image yoni A Jeff Nordgren commented ·


SEC coating and assembly lines must pulled from the queue @Jeff Nordgren

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tannerp avatar image tannerp yoni A commented ·

Hi @yoni A,

I was unable to open your model, but I can provide a sample model if you could explain two constraints:

1) How often does the processor pull the items? (ex. once a day, once per cycle, etc.)

2) How many item types do you plan on having?

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yoni A avatar image yoni A commented ·

thanks tanner an example would be helpful @Tanner Poulton

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S yoni A commented ·

@yoni A There is a black processor and 3 yellow ones, which one would you like to control with a schedule?

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
1 Like"
tannerp answered tannerp edited

Here's a model that should do what you're looking for:


Essentially, the quantity and delay times are referencing the table so that they pull at the appropriate times.

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