
Christopher S2 avatar image
Christopher S2 asked Christopher S2 commented

Unable to have unique 3D Texture, Color, and Size for each Shape Frame

I am modeling an assembly line, where work is being done to a product, transforming it over time. I want to be able to show this transformation of the flowitem, and based on my searches, am trying to use shape frames. However, it appears the only thing I can successfully get shape frames to save is the actual shape. If I try and make the next shape frame a different color, it flows through to the base frame. Same thing with texture. Same thing with Size. Based on the tutorial showing the different bottles, this has to be possible. What am I doing wrong?

Base Frame:

Shape Frame 1 - Finished. Changed Texture and Color.

Now when I select Base Frame again, it carries over the "Finished" changes. Same thing if I change the Size.

What am I doing wrong? Or, better yet, how were these bottles created?

FlexSim 18.2.2
shape factors3d textureshape frame
1.png (224.0 KiB)
2.png (276.4 KiB)
3.png (276.0 KiB)
4.png (79.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

"Or, better yet, how were these bottles created?"

Those bottles were created using a 3D modeling software package: AC3D.

They are four separate 3D shape files. When you switch frames, it switches which of the shape files it is using.

You are trying to use 1 shape file (Box.3ds) and change the color and texture of that 1 shape file. That's not what shape frames do; shape frames change the shape. If you want to change the texture or the color, use the commands that change the texture or the color of the object. Namely, setobjecttextureindex() and Object.color respectively.

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Christopher S2 avatar image Christopher S2 commented ·

This is the clarification I needed. Thanks Phil.

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