
Meghan W2 avatar image
Meghan W2 asked tannerp commented

Are modeling tool not available in FlexSim express 2018?

There aren't enough details on the website to figure out whether or not this functionality was excluded or not. I wanted to generate a GUI for my model. It is a very simple model, so I only have the express version of the software.

I would have thought most of the tool in the 'modelling tools' functionality would have been basic.


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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Phil BoBo commented

Hi @Meghan W2,

The Graphical User Interface tool is still included in FlexSim, but is only available when your software is licensed. Please contact your local distributor for information on purchasing a license.

Once your software is licensed, you can access the Graphical User Interface tool from the Toolbox:

If you select the tool without a license, you get the following alert:

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