
David VC avatar image
David VC asked Joerg Vogel answered

Picking offset rack does not work.


At the moment I am working with process flow to create a simulation model for order picking.

When I use the load activity in process flow, the operator walks into the rack to pick the items. When I try to use the picking offset option from the rack this does not seem to work.

Is there a solution, or am I missing something?

Best regards

order pickingoffset
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Isaac Litster avatar image Isaac Litster commented ·

Hi @David VC

Does @Jörg Vogel's comment help answer your question? Do you still need help with your simulation model?


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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

The operator travels offset to the item. He doesn't walk to a rack to load an item. If you want to prevent a collision of Operator and rack you can use A*Star or you let the operator walk to a location that is in front of the rack cell and move the item into the operator.

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