
Bob.Wang avatar image
Bob.Wang asked Phil BoBo edited

Processor pull from the conveyor (Convey Module)

I wanna The operator worked at processor (fixed divice) pick up randomly nearest flowitem that on a conveyor, when the processor become available(Conveyor Module)

FlexSim 18.2.2
pull strategy on exit transfer
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

The simplest way to do this would be to clear the "Stop Item at Transfer End" checkbox in the Exit Transfer Properties, size the Exit Transfer to be the range you want, and then use a decision point to send to that Exit Transfer using the Send Item picklist option.

No custom code or Process Flow logic is required. This is a simple case that the Conveyor Module has always been able to handle very easily.


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Karuppasamy Pitchai avatar image
Karuppasamy Pitchai answered

I have updated your model based on your requirements.processor-pull-from-the-conveyorconvey-module-v182.fsm

5 |100000

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