
Albert L avatar image
Albert L asked Joerg Vogel answered

Attributes accessible using dot notation

Objects have attributes like "centerObjects" that are accessed using dot notation, where can I find the full list of these attributes accessible by dot notation?

For example, we can use a script to find the center point objects of a decision point, "DP1"



From the model tree view, the DP1 node has properties include classes, labels, objectinfo but these aren't accessible using: model.find("DP1").as(Object).classes

my question is: What is accessible using this syntax? Is there a list documented?

FlexSim 19.0.0
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

The main source for your request is the manual:

Reference > Coding in FlexSim > FlexScript Class Reference

There are node names in the tree colored in light blue. These nodes can you access with the "attrs" property like the example of the manual for this dot notation syntax. The nodes under some attributes branch are then again subnodes.

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