
David L13 avatar image
David L13 asked Ben Wilson converted comment to answer

Dashboard Error in Evaluation Version 19.0.0

Hi there, I have recently downloaded an evaluation version of FlexSim and am current doing through the tutorial.

When I pinned the Content vs Time stats for the Waiting Line (per tutorial example), I noticed that the x and y axis values cannot be changed. As the default error message is 'No columns Found'.

Would you please help me resolve this issue so that I can continue to evaluate this product? Thank you.



FlexSim 19.0.0
dashboard error
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David L13 avatar image David L13 commented ·

See error screen image. Thanks.

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error.jpg (489.4 KiB)

1 Answer

Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst answered

Hi @David L13,

Have you tried closing the GUI and resetting your model.
It is possible the not all variables are set correctly, which might be solved by pressing reset.

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David L13 avatar image David L13 commented ·

Hi @Patrick Zweekhorst, restarting the program fixed the problem. Thank you. Regards, David

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