
Seiha K avatar image
Seiha K asked Joshua S answered

Set virtual distance in Network node by using distribution data or global table


Is it possible to set virtual distance in Network node by using distribution data or global table? That mean I managed 50 plants into one area (I use Queue as area ),and there is only one processor works at that area,processor is connected with truck ,Truck bring boxes to a station by using Network node .The distances from each plant to station are different,So I want set the distance from this area to station by using global table or distribution data ? Is there anyway to achieve that?

All answers are appreciated!


FlexSim 19.0.0
set distance
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

@Seiha K,

If you could send in your model or a sample model that would help us determine the correct answer to give you. Without a model to see what is happening, it's hard or impossible to give you a specific answer.


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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered

Here's an example model. The code is in the script window at the bottom that you could put anywhere you wanted to like in an OnResetModel trigger. It pulls from a table with the 3rd column being flexscript data type where you can replace the duniform that is there with any type of distribution. The first 2 columns are just the paths from one node to the next. You will need to set the virtual distance between 2 nodes both ways, for example NN1 to NN2 and NN2 to NN1.


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