
Marian C avatar image
Marian C asked tannerp commented

Large amount of items and item types

Hello all,

I need to run a simulation with a pretty big amount of data :

- 500.000 SKU (item type).

- 1.000.000 items. (about 1.8 items/SKU).

These items are distributed over a 2000 square meters platform on 4 levels (ground + 3) with picking racks on each level.

What is the best approach for this kind of data amount. I populated some racks with 100.000 items but Flexsim crashes. I turned off "show contents" and I got to about 200.000 items and 50.000 SKU.

The main reason for the simulation is to see what is the best way to batch orders.

Please advise.


FlexSim 19.0.0
large amount of data
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered

@Marian C I would keep all the data in Tables (maybe take a look at bundles) and only create 3D items when it is necessary to perform physical activities like picking or replenishment.

Also take a look what data operations you can already do in Excel so that you don't have to perform complex queries on the data in FlexSim.


@Marian C I would keep all the data in tables and only generate 3D items when it is needed for a physical operation like picking or replenishment.

5 |100000

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