
Nicole S2 avatar image
Nicole S2 asked Ralf Gruber answered

ongoing number on items

Hello everybody,

I got the following question:

I need every item leaving my source to be labeled with an ongoing number starting with the number one.

By setting back the simulation duration to zero, the items in the next run should also be labeled beginning with the number one.

How can I set this setting? I know that I can use the Trigger on Exit but I am not sure.

Furthermore my sink should in the end list all items in the incoming order because for instance through quality controls there will be turbulances. This order should be shown in a global table.

How can I achieve this?

Thanks ahead,


label items
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Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Nicole S2 commented

Take a look at this model and see if it does everything you wanted it to. The source has a label on it called "Part", which resets to 1 on reset if you toggle the button in the labels window. Then on the creation trigger, it sets the items label "Part" to the same label as the source's "Part" label then increments the label.

The table has an on reset code that deletes all the rows. The sink will store the label value of the part that came in the table as the items enter it.


ongoing-example.fsm (23.0 KiB)
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Ralf Gruber answered

Hi @Nicole S2,

sorry for the late reply. The error messages occur due to me using some commands in my 2019 model, that have been implemented post 2017:

- "fromNum" can be replaced by the older "numtostring" to convert a numeric value to a string
- "+" can be replaced by "concat" to combine multiple strings to one

If you want me to fix it, please post your model. You can give it a shot yourself by looking up the commands above in the user manual.

Good Luck

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Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered Nicole S2 commented


here is a small sample.

Look at the exit trigger of the source for the consecutive numbering and the entry trigger of the sink for the logging into a global table. Both are slightly modified standard pick list options.



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