
manuj M avatar image
manuj M asked Sam Stubbs answered

Flex Sim 7.1

Hello, Our company is preparing to move into upgraded system and need to push deployment of the softwares currently used in our company. We need your assistance for the silent installation/deployment command/file required for FlexSim 7.1 While working with deployment of Flexsim 7.1 we were unable to locate the silent command for install and uninstall. We would appreciate your help in assisting us with the instructions.

FlexSim (other)
FlexSim (other - please specify)
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

If you have the 7.1 msi installer (you can download it from the site if you don't). From there you can just use the standard msi silent command installation procedure for windows.

Here's a link that might help you with that:

or this one:

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