
audrey L avatar image
audrey L asked Clair A answered

Is it possible to assign two values to a label in a source table ?

Hi, I have 10 queues of items to dispatch whithin 5 processors. Each item can only match 2 of the 5 processors. I want to send them to the first available. For now, I am using a source table with labels so that 1 processor can pull the item with the right label. But this will assign 1 item to 1 processor only. I want to assign 1 item to 2 processors.

FlexSim 17.2.5
source table
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1 Answer

Clair A avatar image
Clair A answered

Hi Audrey,

Please find an example:


In the properties of each processor, you can activate the pull strategy and set the pull requirement. I have used the pickoption Array of Item Types. So a processor can pull one or several item types.

I hope this example will help you. If not, do not hesitate to attach your model to illustrate your question.

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