
Helen Z avatar image
Helen Z Suspended asked Xu Chunqi commented

How to list the label value of each item at different steps?

I created label on item when the item enters into processors.

Every processors represent one process step.

At each step,the label value would be different.

Is there a way to list the different label value of each item at different steps?

It is similar to the following picture.

Thank you very much to reply my question in advance!

FlexSim 18.0.10
item label
label.jpg (7.2 KiB)
setting.jpg (15.3 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

Please look for the keyword “tracked variable”. Another approach evaluates the progress of the items on the processors by a statistic collector.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

@Helen Z,

If you could attach your model or a sample model of the problem area, we would be better able to give you a more specific answer.


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Helen Z avatar image Helen Z Jeff Nordgren commented ·
@Jeff Nordgren

Thank you very much for your reply.


As you can see from this model ,I created a label on item when the item enters into processors.It was called "weight".

Besides ,the label "steps"is added at the item called "Box".

  • The weight is different from each step.I need to get the information about the label value "weight" at each step.
  • Could a statistic collector record the labe value"weight" of each flow item?
  • Just like what the picture described and list the different label value of each item at different steps?

Thank you again!

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1 Answer

Xu Chunqi avatar image
Xu Chunqi answered Xu Chunqi commented

You can add a global table ,and type your label in it.

· 3
5 |100000

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Xu Chunqi avatar image Xu Chunqi commented ·



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Helen Z avatar image Helen Z Xu Chunqi commented ·

@Shiny Xu

Thank you very much!But there is one question in my Global Table.

Although it can show the label value of "weight" but It did't show the number of item and the number of steps .

Could you please give me more specific solution?

I am sorry to bother you again.

Thanks a lot!

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全局表.jpg (7.7 KiB)
Xu Chunqi avatar image Xu Chunqi Helen Z commented ·


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