
Ludovic S2 avatar image
Ludovic S2 asked Jordan Johnson commented

Time of arrival between batches


I would like to measure the time of arrival between batches (both the mean and variance). The batches are triggered by the racks and created in processor 3. Then they flow from queue 1 right to queue4. I was wondering if someone knows how to measure the time of arrival between batches? Both the meand and variance.

Is there maybe some way where I can see the time logging from all the messages send from the racks? Based on this I would be able to calculate the time of arrival between batches.

Thank you in advance

Kind regards



FlexSim 19.0.2
rackbatch processingarrival time
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tannerp avatar image tannerp commented ·

Your question seems to be related to this one. It would help if you could simplify the model so it's easier to dissect what's going on.

In order to track the time between batches, I created a script on a trigger of Queue 1. This isn't anything fancy, but essentially it takes the current time and subtracts the time of the last batch collected then outputs that value. There appears to be multiple batches collecting within a second of each other, which may or may not be what you are intending. Either way, the information in the Output Console should help you determine if you have the right number of batches at the right times.


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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

Here's a model I made that gathers the statistics you wanted:


It uses a Process Flow to listen to when the batches are made, and it measures the time between batches, per rack.

Then I used a Statistics Collector to log those values, so that every inter-batch time is recorded in the table.

Finally, I used a Calculated Table to calculate the mean and variance of the the inter-batch time by rack.

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Ludovic S2 avatar image Ludovic S2 commented ·

Hi jordan,

Thank you for your answer. It looks great, but I would need to know the behaviour arrival of the batches in queue1. This way I would be able to evaluate with what kind of queue I am dealing here (f.i. M/G/1 or something else).

Kind regards


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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ Ludovic S2 commented ·

In the model I created, I measure the time between when a batch is created, and when the next batch is created. Is that the correct way to look at this problem? I also broke down the statistics by Rack that sent the message. If you don't want that, and just want the overall average, you can edit the query in CalculatedTable1 to say this:

SELECT AVG(Time) AS Mean, VAR(Time) AS Variance
FROM StatisticsCollector1

That will update the table to look as follows:

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