I have a model which has two different lines. in each line I have two item types (1 & 2 for first line and 3 and 4 for the second line). I wish to start the process on these two processors on the same time and also item types should be align with each other. when the item type 1 enters to processor 1 I should send 6 flow items with item type 3 to processor 10 and when item type 2 has been sent to processor 1, 6 flow items with item type 4 should be sent to the processor 10. it is not necessary to assign item types 3 and 4 before entering to processor 10. I can have item types 3 and 4 fixed when they exit processor 10. I have tried sending massages to open and close input ports of processor 10 but it did not work and also I have no idea how to match item types in different processors.
Thank you in advance for your kind help.