
Valentin O avatar image
Valentin O asked Joseph Gillespie commented

Rack organised usage


I am very new to FlexSim. I watched some of the tutorials and also made some examples on my laptop. I am trying to organize some items on a rack so that they can be seen arranged like in real life, but I have troubles with rack settings. Can anybody help me with some examples / settings of how should I set up something like in the image below ?

As you can see the items are some metallic balls, in my case they represent bearing balls. But in real life no one will ever put so few on a square like that. Please help, I appreciate it.

rackrack storage
rack.jpg (674.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered

Hello Valentin,

There is not an easy way to do this in the current version of FlexSim. The only way to accomplish flow item stacking is by setting each flow item's location on entry. This would require some custom coding in flexscript.

However, this feature should be available in a later version of FlexSim.

Hope this helps!

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