
LUIS ERNESTO PNCN avatar image
LUIS ERNESTO PNCN asked Braydn T commented

How to pass a flowitem from a transporter to another?

Hello world, I am currently having issues modeling a situation in which a Transporter ("Montacarga 1") loads one flowitem from a Queue ("Zona de descarga") to literally pass it to another Transporter ("Montacarga 2") so that the latter puts such flowitem in a specific queue (that may be "Descargue 1", "Descargue 2" and so on until "Descargue 5" depending on the item type). Also, "Montacarga 1" can't leave the object "Plataforma de carga" on which it is positioned.

I have thought of using triggers like Coordinated Task Sequence from "Zona de descarga" to solve this but I don't really get how it works and how to make it properly. Also, I have thought of using the "On Load" trigger from "Montacarga 1" for it to get as close as possible to "Montacarga 2" to deliver its current flowitem and let it continue with the process of unloading it.

By the moment, that would be the only question I have. Could somebody help me?


FlexSim 19.0.0
warehousetriggerstransporterscoordinated task sequencepass to
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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
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Braydn T answered Braydn T commented


I made a few changes to your model using A* navigation, Network nodes, and Process Flow. The forklift on the loading dock loads the pallets and then unloads them onto the other forklift, which unloads them into their respective queue using some code I wrote in the second unload task. It travels to the queue along the green preferred path, and then back to a a network node by the loading dock. The forklift on the dock stays on the dock because of some A* barriers I put in under the dock. If you want more info about what I did you can check out the A* tutorials and the Process Flow tutorials. Let me know if this works for you.


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