
Daniela SA avatar image
Daniela SA asked Joseph Gillespie commented

how to change the state of a processor?

I am currently working on a model of a Bank in which I have two service desks. One of the objectives is to attend to all the clients even after the bank closes.

I have a Process Flow that looks like this:

My Custom Codes won't change the state of the processors and they leave them on "idle" but I want them "on break"

FlexSim 18.2.3
custom code
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joseph Gillespie avatar image
Joseph Gillespie answered Joseph Gillespie commented

@Daniela SA

Are you sure it's not working? It might be just that as soon as something gets processed, it switches back to "idle":

If you attach your model I could find out what the problem is more specifically.

statechange.gif (62.9 KiB)
· 4
5 |100000

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Daniela SA avatar image Daniela SA commented ·
@Joseph Gillespie

This is my model. It should be changing, but I don't know why it doesn't.

I run the model, and it works fine, the clients are processed but once they're gone, the state of the processors stays as "idle" and I need it to change to "on break" so it doesn't affect my pie chart for utilization.

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