
Mayur K avatar image
Mayur K asked Joseph Gillespie commented

Placing items in rack using global table

I want to place an arrived different item types in queue to particular rack cell by using global table to position that particular item in the particular bay and level of rack which is mentioned in global table ,how to do it ?

FlexSim 17.0.13
place in bayplace in levelplacing items in rack using global table
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

You open the properties of the rack. You find the functions Place in Bay and Place in Level on the Rack tab.

Now you have more options to get the source code into the functions:

You write the code directly in the present line on the function area.

You open the picklist options by the small black down arrow left next to the area. There you select code snippet.

You click on parchment roll left next to the function area to open the source code editor.

You write source In the edit fields of the direct function line area or the code snippet:

Table(“yourGlobalTableName”)[row number][column number]

Or you write in the source code editor this code line with your matching values or strings behind the return command of the function. A code line ends with a semicolon.

This line evaluates the cell of the table “yourGlobalTableName” of the row and column.

For the value row number or column number can you evaluate labels of your item which you have called like “rowInYourTable” or “columnInYourTable”.

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