Hello, im new to FlexSim and im trying to simulate a production process. At the beginning i combine two entitys with each other and seperate them after they passed a conveyor belt. One entity lets say ist an engine will go to sime processorts and the other entity lets say ist an pallet goes to a combiner and waits there until the engine returns from beeing processed and the two entitys will be combined again and they go to a conveyor belt and a sink.
So i want to have this Logik. When the combiner is used by a pallet the next pallet which will be seperated from the engine at the seperator should go to the conveyor2. But when the combiner is free agian the next pallet should go to the combiner again. My Modell is attached. When you run it you can understand my problem more easily.
Can somebody help me with this logik and show me how to programm it ? That would be awesome.
PS:sorry for my english