Hi guys,
Hope you are well. In this picking model please follow the picker. I have used a queue that serves as a pallet truck to carry the pallet and cases as a separate object for one reason: when the picker is doing the picking the pallet stays in the aisle independently.
1. I set the logic in on state change. My problem is that if the speed of the model increases, the refresh rate is more spaced and the pallet is put too far from the picking locations. If I run the model in slower speeds, the picker keeps the pallet close.
2. My second problem are locations that are not pulling based on an item. I have colored the location in purple and the problem happens at around 16,500 to 16,900 of the clock. The way i have solved it is buy using moveobject and destroyeventsofobject, for example in the location in yellow right next to the purple one. As you see one is replenished the other is not.